Satyer Path


सत्येर पथ
ESTD : 2002

Felicitation of Dr R P Banerjee at Kali Bari Chicago USA


Join the meeting through Google Meet
Date & Time 05-January-2025 (Sunday) from 5:30-7 pm IST
Discussion Topic Dhyana Yoga (Meditative Connect)
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If you want to get Google Meet invitation, send your email address to Mr. S Hazra, Mobile : 9163393633
Join meeting through: Google Meet
Date & Time: 05-January-2025 (Sunday) from 5:30-7 pm IST
Discussion Topic: Dhyana Yoga (Meditative Connect)
Meeting Code: nca-ofvs-arv
If you want to get email invitation, send your email address to Mr. S Hazra,Mobile : 9163393633


Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee


History of human civilization has been a history in the making for ongoing corrections on the departures in life from the path of truth. Human understanding has collectively gone to the extent of asserting itself through the turmoil of the world on the free attainment of positions of dominance in the affairs of the world. Human world has attained the position of dominance in the way that has been made possible under conditions of uncertainty mixed with certainty. Human actions in the world have been guided by the motive and objective of living at different phases of life. Gradual enhancement of the understanding about the world has been the essence of trying for something new at all the time frames in the human scale. The concerns, thus, has been the urge to satisfy the human intents at each stage of human journey.

Human understanding has been the focus on the things associated with life now and the concerns of life for times to come close by. At each stage of human understanding the objective of enriching life has been considered as the primary focus and fundamental attribute of the civilization. The winners have always tried to push back the losers in this journey. Winners have garnered the bunch of flowers across through allowing the elements and spirits of victory forward. The winners have been adored as the focus and heroes of the civilization at different phases of human achievements.

Human civilization has, thus, created a long series of names, incidents, histories and material facts of the heroes of life and the world in different fields of activities. There are achievements in different fields of life. Thus, the streams of activities carry the legacy of the same stream for the periods of concerns. This has been said to benefit the specific stream of human living and at the same time to benefit the world as a whole. The result has been, thus, a garden of flowers across with enormous spread of visibility, revelations and blossoming. It has been said that human civilization has been progressing steadily towards providing happiness and welfare of human being. The factors of specific identity in terms of the origin, context and contents have been pursued throughout the ages. Human being remains at the focus of things all the time. The objective of human civilization as has been construed as the primary to all activities is to attain gains in material and mental terms of satisfactions.

The garden of human flowers has blossomed so well but could not help in being a show of flowers without thorns. The thorns of human peril have continued over the periods of human attainments as a unit of life having attained a position of glory, fame and focus. Human civilization has nurtured the activities with own parameters and own terms for the benefits of painting the shades of happiness at all times. Truth, as has been identified, has been the element that is caught and proved as correct through the process of experiments and sensual understanding. Material facts of life and possessions weighed higher than anything else. Life demands comfort, satisfactions, ease and consistent over the other specifications as chosen attribute.

Thorns of life have progressed along with the flowers of gains in life. Moments of happiness brings along enduring pains. Life has been adorned with achievements, gains, comforts, pleasures and explorations. Each one brings along the facts of the opposites, either in real time or at a lagged period of time. At the core of human reality, the factors that have continued its grave existence are: sufferings, pains, despairs, sense of deprivations; stressed view of life, stressed objectives and lack of goodness prominent as the major focus of life. The advancements in material facts of life have actually advanced the core human reality as focused. The centre of human journey has been a great EGO for each person.

The human world has built itself across the individual and collective ego. Each one has the view of self-greatness and uniqueness at all ages. Exceptions are those who pursue the ways of truth. Understanding the truth of life and world has so far been mostly material. By and large except the segmented and occasional flow of the goodness and message of divinity at different phases of human civilization.

This universe and the entire creation is the gift of SUPREME DIVINE, the Supreme Brahman. At His own will He has created the humans first and Gods next. He has created the nature, the lives of other forms, the flora, the fauna, this earth system, air, water, space, the large, the super large, the miniscule, the micro, the nano-particles, the single cell, the infinite combination of cells, all lives and anything in the material forms. Supreme has planted all scopes, possibilities and potentials in human context. Every human person has that potential which can make the person become a great and noble personality, but for the adherence to the personal ego. Human person has chosen to remain pretty, small and embraced with meanness. Selfish concerns have isolated a person from the cosmic existence and the supreme truth. All pains and problems of human existence have a common and same origin of ego-centric existence. Each one loves self first and then anything else, except for a tiny few who believes and consecrates.

This life, all lives and every material existence is the gift of God. Each existence has the equal blessings from God. It is the human deficiency that each person finds satisfaction and happiness through ego satisfaction and exercising the primacy of ego.

The civilization needs a transformation from the position of ego-centric existence to a God-centric existence. The concern for the world and self has fragmented the basic and underlying fact of the cosmic existence. In the process the human condition has been pegged at creating a world of each within the individual domain and thereby pushing the fate of human existence to the ills of perennial bondage with the sole concerns for smallness and pettiness.

The emergence lies in choice of God in life.

Let God and only God be the focus of life. God in the spirit and consciousness shall embrace those who have chosen Divine in life.

Human being needs now the touch of God much more than any former period of human journey. Embrace God in any way in life. God is personal, God is impersonal, God is formless, absolute and may reveal through any form of choice at any point of time in the journey of human progress. God once chosen in life be the permanent choice.

Let God's way be the way of life. Work of the world, whatever it is, should turn into the way of human life.

The supreme reveals Him as the Truth-Wisdom. He is the absolute. He is TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS-BLISS. He is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Blissful.

Satyer Path or the Path of Truth is the way forward to achieve that element of devotion for God which creates love, respect, dedication and consecration to God. A person who adopts the Satyer Path has actually chosen God in life. She or he remains connected with God as long as the devotion to God remains pure and valid. Person who has adopted Satyer Path turns into a sage or Rishi. The person turns her or his life into that of a Rishi living in the normal habitat of a society in the world. This sage accepts the work of the world in its true sense and tries to deliver the work in the most efficient way. The person attempts to create perfection in her or his work. This sage does not discriminate, exercise concern for the people of the world. Sage of Satyer Path has firm faith in God which does not erode on the impacts of the world. Unperturbed faith in God is fundamental in the character of the sage of Satyer Path. She or he is a normal person; lives in the society a normal life, maintains all responsibilities of a person on earth; does work of the world, always dutiful to the world but dedicated to God. The sage of Satyer Path is a person who considers ‘God first, others next’ and lives life in accordance.

Sage of Satyer Path is a person who has within the cave of heart the spirit of God; pursues the way forward on the strength of firm faith in God. She or he carries the spirit of God always with unshaken love and devotion for God still works very intense to fulfill the will of God to create a new civilization with God at its core centre.



About Us

Satyer Path is a non monastery spiritual organization. Our ideology stands on the believe of omnipresence of God. We believe every individual is eligible for God realization staying amidst in the household and worldly activities. Being spiritual is neither restricted by any place, time, language, cloths etc nor acquired by heredity. It can only be realized by quest of an individual to God. Quest is not a subject of demonstration; rather it is a strong volition of a person to be filled up with the thoughts of God in every aspect of life and become a divine personality. We follow the examples of several divine personalities like Veda Vyasa, Vasishtha, Atri, Paila, Jaimini, Vaisampayan, Yajnavalkya, Satyakam, Sumanta, Janaka, Prahallad and many others from the Vedas, Bhagabatam and Upanishads, who endeavored their spiritual journey besides fulfilling their household responsibilities and worldly activities. Sages of India taught us God realization is possible even if one stays in society.

It was the sequence of incidents unconnected outwardly, however, having intrinsic connections with each other like pieces of beads of a garland of pearls. The general intent of a young person was to change the society through a revolutionary way to establish a new human condition free from all ills and evils- a society having no hunger, no illiteracy, no ill mind and no ill health. It was the understanding that a god centric state can be the cure and the way forward, a god centric state which is a combination of large fragments of small units, each of which is a total entity. These small units are mostly independent with whatever resources it has. Each unit shall establish the place of god at the centre and create the way forward for the collective decisions on the pathways of progress also solving any problem that comes in the way.

God remains the leader and the king of the society so formed and the message of Him makes the final say for the issues and references whatsoever. The small fragments of such societies are connected and coordinated in a network and shall become the final shape of the nation. Authority of the nation shall take care of external relations, defense and enactments for coordination. The state authority shall not interfere into the affairs of the society. Society shall be governed by the spirit and direction of god and translate that into actions ongoing on.

Truth shall be the guiding and principal attribute of life. Truth is Divine. It's not the material facts alone; Truth is but the intrinsic spirit which brings forth the truth of the cosmic existence at the level of the gross and the subtle. Truth cannot be tested through experiments, material facts can be, only. Truth is beyond just material facts. Truth is not what we just see, smell, feel through touch or hear through words or tunes.

Truth needs to be realized by the inner consciousness. It is experiential, not experimental. At the oneness of mind, when the mind is free from other contents, mind is free from all distractions, the realization of god sets in. Realization is unique to the person attempting that. However, anyone else following the same way forward may have the same type of realization if not exactly the same contents.

God is infinite in existence. God is omnipresent and omniscient. Therefore, god realization by any one from any corner of the world with any method adopted for shall have the realization of the same infinite. It is like a small boat on a vast ocean accessing from any shore of the ocean obtains the same feel of the vastness and understands the attributes of the infinite ocean in the respective unique way to get hold of the truth spread across the vast expanse of the ocean in the ways unique to each.

The experiences of the ocean in the spell of sun rays are different from the same under the darkness of the night. Air blows like the infinite vast presence of sustenance for life. A breath at the eastern part of the globe of earth and the same from the western or northern part would provide the same essence for the sustenance of life throughout. If a conscious mind dedicates fully to the spirit of god from any part of the world it would realize the same truth in respective versions of the spirit.

Like the same ocean accessed from different directions of its coasts leaves different flavors of the descriptions about the ocean in different and respective ways. This is why some finds that god is only formless and cannot undertake any form. They think that if god takes up a form it would be like, the infinite taking up the position of a minute finite. This is wrong. One attribute of god as all segments of human thoughts have understood that god all mighty. All mighty is actually someone who has the capacity to do the wish whatever it be.

It has been mentioned of their realization by the Vedic sages that god wished to be many. He desired to experience what about of created. So he created human being, then he created the gods, subsequently he created the air, water, earth, minor forms of creatures, plant kingdom, and everything else needed for survival. He endowed the creation with senses of classified standards. He gifted the human being with mind. Also gifted the human mind the power to think in unique ways and enjoy independence of choice. He preferred the human mind behave and act in such a way that endows him with the independence but establish a connect with the divine through a way unmixed with any attribute that may bend the human mind away from the touch and spiritual company of god.

The relation between human and the divine is that god Himself resides in the core of the heart of a person and continues the presence always. Vedic sages understands the relation as

  • Atmano rathinam viddhi
  • Shariram ratham eva tu
  • Buddhi tu sarathi viddhi
  • Manah pragraham eva cha

  • This means, Know for certain that atman is always seated within the human body. Consider this human body as the chariot of life. The intellect acts as the driving force of the chariot and human mind is powered enough to connect the chariot with the atman.

    God makes His presence in the life of human being and all living organisms as the atman. The supreme stays in the being of every organism in the invisible form of atman. Atman is the form of god present in the organism as long as the life continues. Atman does not get involved in the human affairs unless the intense human love, dedication and consecration call for that. God gets not only involved but takes care of the life of the person who has unquestioned love and devotion for god. God undertakes Himself the duty of doing material and spiritual wellbeing of the devotee. As announced by god: 'Yogakshemah Bhammaham'-shall undertake the responsibility of the true devotee regarding the matters of the world and beyond.

    God realization is never a momentary and short term thing; it is rather an ongoing quest which has a beginning and no end. God realization sets in that condition of mind which focuses on god and the divine spirit with intense love for god and endorsing the spirit of god in the process of life and works.

    Satyer Path believes in the form of life, a replica of that of the ancient sages of India who had the focus of 'Chaturbarga' and lived through 'Chaturashrama'. Chaturbarga talks about four different objectives life should follow through. These are Dharma (righteousness), Artha (material concerns of life), Kama (need and expectations of life) and Moksha (God realization). Chaturasharam indicates four different segments of life. These are Brahmacharya (disciplined mind and work), Garhasthya (household involvements in life), Vanaprashthya (principle centric advisory role in life) and Sannyasa (dedication to god). All through the stages of life the single most common parameter is TRUTH- the realization of God. Intense love for God creates the permanence of the spiritual realization. Each person shall live life as a journey through God realization and incremental love for God until complete dedication to the Supreme takes place in life.

    While the sages of Satyer Path shall be into the full scale work and activity of the world, they will follow chosen ways of being in touch with the spirit of God. These are: Dhyanam (meditation), Japam (repeating mantra) and Chintan (continued flow of thoughts of god).

    For the purpose of dhyanam mind is required to be cleansed from all impurities of the elements of mind. Once the mind attains concentration, it requires visualizing the image of god in the way the mind loves for. God's image could be in a form or formless as the mind prefers to devote on. For Japam the mantra that has reached the conscious understanding of the person, needs to repeat in a way that it becomes as normal as the respiratory functions of life. When japam becomes intense the sage of Satyer Path visualizes the divine act in various ways and finally develops intense love for god, gradually connects with the spirit of god. Chintan becomes a process in continuity, wherein, the sage of Satyer Path settles to reserve a strong faith and devotion of god through continuous thoughts of god. The sage of Satyer Path does all work of the world but keeps mind shelved in the spirit of god.

    Spiritual Talk on Divine Life and Vedic Knowledge

    Satyer Path helds spiritual talk on every Sunday from 5:45 pm to 7 pm (IST) on Digital mode. Meeting comprises the following activities:

  • Aatmastakam Song (Chidananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham) - 5 minutes
  • Collective Vedic Chanting (Uponishadio Shantipath) - 5 minutes
  • Divine Life and Vedic discussion by Dr. R P Banerjee - 55 minutes
  • Collective Vedic Chanting (Uponishadio Shantipath) - 5 minutes
  • Meditation - 5 minutes.
  • Printing and Publishing

    Satyer Path publishes Paperback monthly spiritual magazine in Bengali. Mr. Bibudhendra Chatterjee is the present in-charge of printing and publishing of Bengali Paperback magazines. Magazines are printed at Classical Press, 21,Patuatola Lane, Kolkata-700009 and published at Satyer Path, 21,Patuatola Lane, Kolkata-700009.

    Editor: Dr. Rama Prosad Banerjee ( Dr. R P Banerjee)

    He is a profound scholar and Management Professor. He lectured in more than a dozen universities in Europe and USA besides teaching in India and providing training to the Senior Executives of many companies for almost last three decades. He authored more than two hundred articles/papers in national and international journals. He has also participated and delivered speech in many international conferences, seminars and workshops. The focus has been always to present and project Indian Spiritual Values. He believes in the divine identity of man and devotes to the cause of transformation of human consciousness to Divine consciousness. His core focus is understanding the Vedas and make it practice in life, which he has been doing for more than last four decades.


    Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee Dr R P Banerjee


    History of human civilization has been a history in the making for ongoing corrections on the departures in life from the path of truth. Human understanding has collectively gone to the extent of asserting itself through the turmoil of the world on the free attainment of positions of dominance in the affairs of the world. Human world has attained the position of dominance in the way that has been made possible under conditions of uncertainty mixed with certainty. Human actions in the world have been guided by the motive and objective of living at different phases of life. Gradual enhancement of the understanding about the world has been the essence of trying for something new at all the time frames in the human scale. The concerns, thus, has been the urge to satisfy the human intents at each stage of human journey.

    Human understanding has been the focus on the things associated with life now and the concerns of life for times to come close by. At each stage of human understanding the objective of enriching life has been considered as the primary focus and fundamental attribute of the civilization. The winners have always tried to push back the losers in this journey. Winners have garnered the bunch of flowers across through allowing the elements and spirits of victory forward. The winners have been adored as the focus and heroes of the civilization at different phases of human achievements.

    Human civilization has, thus, created a long series of names, incidents, histories and material facts of the heroes of life and the world in different fields of activities. There are achievements in different fields of life. Thus, the streams of activities carry the legacy of the same stream for the periods of concerns. This has been said to benefit the specific stream of human living and at the same time to benefit the world as a whole. The result has been, thus, a garden of flowers across with enormous spread of visibility, revelations and blossoming. It has been said that human civilization has been progressing steadily towards providing happiness and welfare of human being. The factors of specific identity in terms of the origin, context and contents have been pursued throughout the ages. Human being remains at the focus of things all the time. The objective of human civilization as has been construed as the primary to all activities is to attain gains in material and mental terms of satisfactions.

    The garden of human flowers has blossomed so well but could not help in being a show of flowers without thorns. The thorns of human peril have continued over the periods of human attainments as a unit of life having attained a position of glory, fame and focus. Human civilization has nurtured the activities with own parameters and own terms for the benefits of painting the shades of happiness at all times. Truth, as has been identified, has been the element that is caught and proved as correct through the process of experiments and sensual understanding. Material facts of life and possessions weighed higher than anything else. Life demands comfort, satisfactions, ease and consistent over the other specifications as chosen attribute.

    Thorns of life have progressed along with the flowers of gains in life. Moments of happiness brings along enduring pains. Life has been adorned with achievements, gains, comforts, pleasures and explorations. Each one brings along the facts of the opposites, either in real time or at a lagged period of time. At the core of human reality, the factors that have continued its grave existence are: sufferings, pains, despairs, sense of deprivations; stressed view of life, stressed objectives and lack of goodness prominent as the major focus of life. The advancements in material facts of life have actually advanced the core human reality as focused. The centre of human journey has been a great EGO for each person.

    The human world has built itself across the individual and collective ego. Each one has the view of self-greatness and uniqueness at all ages. Exceptions are those who pursue the ways of truth. Understanding the truth of life and world has so far been mostly material. By and large except the segmented and occasional flow of the goodness and message of divinity at different phases of human civilization.

    This universe and the entire creation is the gift of SUPREME DIVINE, the Supreme Brahman. At His own will He has created the humans first and Gods next. He has created the nature, the lives of other forms, the flora, the fauna, this earth system, air, water, space, the large, the super large, the miniscule, the micro, the nano-particles, the single cell, the infinite combination of cells, all lives and anything in the material forms. Supreme has planted all scopes, possibilities and potentials in human context. Every human person has that potential which can make the person become a great and noble personality, but for the adherence to the personal ego. Human person has chosen to remain pretty, small and embraced with meanness. Selfish concerns have isolated a person from the cosmic existence and the supreme truth. All pains and problems of human existence have a common and same origin of ego-centric existence. Each one loves self first and then anything else, except for a tiny few who believes and consecrates.

    This life, all lives and every material existence is the gift of God. Each existence has the equal blessings from God. It is the human deficiency that each person finds satisfaction and happiness through ego satisfaction and exercising the primacy of ego.

    The civilization needs a transformation from the position of ego-centric existence to a God-centric existence. The concern for the world and self has fragmented the basic and underlying fact of the cosmic existence. In the process the human condition has been pegged at creating a world of each within the individual domain and thereby pushing the fate of human existence to the ills of perennial bondage with the sole concerns for smallness and pettiness.

    The emergence lies in choice of God in life.

    Let God and only God be the focus of life. God in the spirit and consciousness shall embrace those who have chosen Divine in life.

    Human being needs now the touch of God much more than any former period of human journey. Embrace God in any way in life. God is personal, God is impersonal, God is formless, absolute and may reveal through any form of choice at any point of time in the journey of human progress. God once chosen in life be the permanent choice.

    Let God's way be the way of life. Work of the world, whatever it is, should turn into the way of human life.

    The supreme reveals Him as the Truth-Wisdom. He is the absolute. He is TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS-BLISS. He is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Blissful.

    Satyer Path or the Path of Truth is the way forward to achieve that element of devotion for God which creates love, respect, dedication and consecration to God. A person who adopts the Satyer Path has actually chosen God in life. She or he remains connected with God as long as the devotion to God remains pure and valid. Person who has adopted Satyer Path turns into a sage or Rishi. The person turns her or his life into that of a Rishi living in the normal habitat of a society in the world. This sage accepts the work of the world in its true sense and tries to deliver the work in the most efficient way. The person attempts to create perfection in her or his work. This sage does not discriminate, exercise concern for the people of the world. Sage of Satyer Path has firm faith in God which does not erode on the impacts of the world. Unperturbed faith in God is fundamental in the character of the sage of Satyer Path. She or he is a normal person; lives in the society a normal life, maintains all responsibilities of a person on earth; does work of the world, always dutiful to the world but dedicated to God. The sage of Satyer Path is a person who considers ‘God first, others next’ and lives life in accordance.

    Sage of Satyer Path is a person who has within the cave of heart the spirit of God; pursues the way forward on the strength of firm faith in God. She or he carries the spirit of God always with unshaken love and devotion for God still works very intense to fulfill the will of God to create a new civilization with God at its core centre.



    Articles/Journals/Magazines which are published at others apart from Satyer Path publication or at Satyer Path Publication

    Satyer Path publishes monthly spiritual magazine in Bengali
    সত্যের পথ প্রতি মাসে আধ্যাত্মিক বাংলা পত্রিকা প্রকাশ করে

    Online Magazine (eBook)
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    As per Internet speed,wait till opening the Magazine.It may take maximum 1 minute.
    [ এখানে পত্রিকার প্রতি মাসের অনলাইন কপি পাওয়া যায় ৷ প্রথমে আপনার পছন্দের সাল ও মাস নির্বাচন করুন ৷ তারপর নীচে একটি লিংক দেখা যাবে ৷ লিংকটি ক্লিক করুন ও সর্বোচ্চ ১ মিনিট অপেঙ্খা করুন পত্রিকাটি দেখবার জন্য ৷ ]
    Year ( সাল ) Month ( মাস )
    Click and Read the Magazine ( পত্রিকাটি পড়বার জন্য এই লিংকটি ক্লিক করুন )

    Satyer Path publishes monthly spiritual magazine in Bengali
    সত্যের পথ প্রতি মাসে আধ্যাত্মিক বাংলা পত্রিকা প্রকাশ করে

    Vedic Mantra
    বেদ মন্ত্র
    Click and Read the Mantra ( মন্ত্রটি পড়বার জন্য এই লিংকটি ক্লিক করুন )

    For Any Problem : Click or .Then come to Vedic Mantra section and select the Mantra again, if you do not get the link of Mantra or if the link is not active.

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    Satyer Path helds weekly spiritual talk on Sunday. You will get the recorded talk series here.

    সত্যের পথে প্রতি সপ্তাহে রবিবার বেদ, উপনীষদ, ভাগবত, ব্রহ্মসূত্র ও ভাগবত গীতা অবলম্বনে পাঠের আলোচনা সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়

    Audio Recording of Vedic Talk Series
    Select Year-Month and Click on the Link to Listen
    After clicking, wait till loading the audio
    [ এখানে পাঠের প্রতি সপ্তাহের রেকর্ডিং পাওয়া যায় ৷ প্রথমে আপনার পছন্দের সাল ও মাস নির্বাচন করুন ৷ তারপর নীচে কয়েকটি লিংক দেখা যাবে ৷ যে সপ্তাহের পাঠটি শুনতে চান সেটির উপর ক্লিক করুন ও একটু অপেঙ্খা করুন সপ্তাহের পাঠটি শোনার জন্য ]
    Year ( সাল ) Month ( মাস )

    Satyer Path helds weekly spiritual talk on Sunday. You will get the recorded talk series here.
    সত্যের পথে প্রতি সপ্তাহে রবিবার বেদ, উপনীষদ, ভাগবত, ব্রহ্মসূত্র ও ভাগবত গীতা অবলম্বনে পাঠের আলোচনা সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়

    Audio Recording of Mantra
    Click on the Mantra and Listen
    After clicking, wait till loading the audio

    [ যে মন্ত্রটি শুনতে চান সেটির উপর ক্লিক করুন ও একটু অপেঙ্খা করুন মন্ত্রটি শোনার জন্য ]

    Satyer Path Publication: Books authored by Dr. R P Banerjee based on Vedic principle

    1 / 2

    Ved Vigyaner Goveere
    -Bengali Version
    2 / 2

    Ved Vigyaner Goveere
    -Bengali Version

    1 / 2

    Living Divine Life
    -English Version
    2 / 2

    Living Divine Life
    -English Version

    1 / 2

    Self Management & Self Leadership
    -English Version
    2 / 2

    Self Management & Self Leadership
    -English Version

    1 / 2

    Hindu Arthaniti
    -Bengali Version
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    Hindu Arthaniti
    -Bengali Version

    Satyer Path helds weekly spiritual talk on Sunday. Few video recorded talk series are available here.

    YouTube Divine and Vedic Talk Series
    by Dr. R P Banerjee
    [Click on the YouTube image]